Home » COHDA WIRELESS C-V2X评估套件解决方案已为试验性部署做好了充分准备。

COHDA WIRELESS C-V2X评估套件解决方案已为试验性部署做好了充分准备。

      中国上海 – Cohda Wireless宣布,其C-V2X评估套件现已配备紧凑、坚固耐用且防风雨的路侧单元(RSU)外壳,可在中国各地顺利进行室外部署。Cohda的MK6C EVK于2019年7月在中国推出,并于同年10月成功通过了中国标准规范的一致性测试。

         MK6C EVK具有支持M12 POE 802.3at的以太网端口和方便的LED电源指示灯。它装有V2X和GNSS天线以及一个 杆式安装套件,可轻松安装在交通信号灯或路灯等路边基础设施上。基于Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.,即:Qualcomm Incorporated的子公司的Qualcomm®9150 C-V2X解决方案,加上坚固耐用、安全可靠的RSU外壳,MK6C EVK已为支持中国智能交通系统的发展做好了充分准备。

      Cohda Wireless在华销售总监原树宁表示:“公司正朝着欧洲、美国和澳大利亚的业务方向发展。”

     原先生解释说:“Cohda的硬件已在世界各地成功部署,超过60%的V2X现场试验采用了我们的技术。MK6C EVK是一款耐用且具成本效益的产品,作为这一领域的全球领导者,Cohda Wireless十分希望能扩大在中国市场的份额。”

      原树宁补充道:“自从我们的C-V2X软件堆栈在去年IMT2020(5G)之前举行的一致性测试中证明符合最新的中国标准和规范以来,Cohda Wireless就希望促成这次合作,这也是我们推出即时部署型MK6C EVK 的决定因素。”点击此处了解更多信息 https://www.cohdawireless.com/solutions/hardware/mk6c-rsu-evk/

      Cohda Wireless是世界上唯一一家将其V2X软件集成到两个汽车生产制造商平台上的公司,并且在使用SCATS交通控制系统方面拥有丰富的经验。

      Cohda Wireless大力参与了纽约网联车辆驾驶系统的部署,纽约网联车辆驾驶系统是采用网联车辆技术的一个里程碑式发展,Cohda认为,上海或北京等中国城市可以复制这一模式。该试验涵盖了3000多车辆,包括轿车、巴士和车队。其目标是通过部署网联车辆技术,让车辆可以“相互交谈”,将它们的感知范围扩展到远远超出人类能力的范围,从而减少交通事故造成的伤亡人数。


      Cohda的MK6C EVK采用了Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X解决方案,功能强大、兼容的C-V2X软件支持直接通信,因而可以运用到车对车通信(V2V)、车对基础设施通信(V2I)和车对人通信(V2P)的应用场景。

关于Cohda Wireless

       Cohda Wireless是全球领先的智能网联车辆软件开发公司,拥有成熟的智慧城市、采矿和其他环境应用。Cohda的技术连接了车辆与基础设施和行人,让我们的街道、城市和工作环境更加安全、智能和环保。Cohda总部位于澳大利亚,并在欧洲、中国和美国均设有办事处。

       Cohda Wireless的创新软件解决方案能够将自动车辆与其他车辆及智慧城市基础设施相连接。这些连接包括车对车通信、车对基础设施通信和车对人通信(统称“V2X”),并使协作式自动驾驶汽车能与他人、智慧城市及交通弱势群体“对话”,避免事故、减少交通拥堵、提高效率。Cohda与一级汽车供应商、智能交通系统设备供应商及采矿设备技术与服务(METS)供应商合作,分别向汽车制造商、智慧城市和矿井经营方提供硬件/软件解决方案。Cohda的产品被广泛应用于美国、欧洲、澳大利亚、日本、非洲、中东、中国、新加坡和韩国等地。

Grant Law
Grant Law Public Relations
+61 488 518 414 / grant@grantlaw.com.au

Qualcomm是Qualcomm Incorporated在美国和其他国家的注册商标。其他产品和品牌名称可能是其各自所有者的商标或注册商标。

Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X平台是 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.和/或其子公司的一项产品。

February 2020


Shanghai, People’s Republic of China – Cohda Wireless has announced that its C-V2X Evaluation Kit is now available in a compact, rugged and weatherproof Road-side Unit (RSU) enclosure for easy outdoor deployment in trials across China. Cohda’s MK6C EVK was launched in China in July 2019 and follows the successful compliance testing of Cohda’s technology with Chinese standards and specifications in October of the same year.

The MK6C EVK features a M12 POE 802.3at capable Ethernet port and a convenient LED power indicator. It hosts V2X and GNSS antennas as well as a pole mounting kit for easy installation on roadside infrastructure like traffic lights or street lamps. Based on the Qualcomm® 9150 C-V2X solution from Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, Cohda’s MK6C EVK in a RSU enclosure offers a robust and secure product that is ready to support the development of intelligent transport systems in China.

Shuning Yuan, Sales Director for Cohda Wireless in China, said that the company is well on its way to achieving the same presence in China as it has in Europe, the US and Australia.

“Cohda’s hardware has been successfully deployed all over the world with more than 60 percent of all V2X field trials using our technology. The MK6C EVK is a durable and cost-effective product that can be deployed with the support of a global leader that is keen to expand its footprint in China,” explained Mr. Yuan.

“There has been significant interest in Cohda Wireless since our C-V2X software stack proved compliant with the latest Chinese standards and specifications at the conformance testing round held prior to IMT2020 (5G) last year, which was the driver for our decision to offer the MK6C EVK in a ready-to-deploy format,” added Mr. Yuan. Read more here: https://www.cohdawireless.com/solutions/hardware/mk6c-rsu-evk

Cohda Wireless is the only company in the world to have integrated its V2X software into two car production car manufacturer platforms and has extensive knowledge of working with SCATS traffic control systems.

It is a key participant in the New York City Connected Vehicle Pilot – a milestone development in the adoption of connected vehicle technology that Cohda believes could be replicated in Chinese cities like Shanghai or Beijing. The trial comprises of over 3000 vehicles consisting of cars, buses, and fleet vehicles. Its goal is to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries resulting from traffic crashes through the deployment of connected vehicle technologies that allow vehicles to ‘speak to each other,’ extending their perception horizon far beyond that of human capability.

“China too is making great strides towards introducing a cooperative and intelligent transport system that is aimed at reducing the number of deaths on our roads each year. Cohda is excited to be a part of this in China and we invite interested parties to talk to us about how we can assist,” added Mr Yuan.

Leveraging the Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X solution, Cohda’s MK6C EVK solution features high quality and-compatible C-V2X software to support direct communications in support of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) applications.


Cohda Wireless is a global leader in the development of Connected Autonomous Vehicle software with proven applications for Smart City, Mining and other environments. Cohda’s technology connects vehicles with infrastructure and pedestrians to make our streets, cities and working environments safer, smarter and greener. Cohda is headquartered in Australia and has offices in Europe, China and the USA.
Cohda Wireless’s innovative software solutions enable autonomous vehicles to connect with other vehicles and with Smart City infrastructure. These connections span Vehicle¬to¬Vehicle, Vehicle¬to¬Infrastructure, and Vehicle¬to-Pedestrian (collectively called V2X), and allow CAVs to ‘talk’ to each other, Smart Cities, and vulnerable road users in order to avoid accidents, reduce congestion and be more efficient. Cohda partners with Tier 1 Automotive Suppliers, ITS Equipment Vendors, and Mining Equipment Technology and Services (METS) vendors to provide complete hardware/software solutions to Car Makers, Smart Cities, and Mine Operators, respectively. Cohda’s products are used widely in locations including the USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, Africa, Middle East, China, Singapore, and Korea.

All media enquiries can be directed to:
Grant Law
Grant Law Public Relations
+61 488 518 414 / grant@grantlaw.com.au

Qualcomm is a trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries. Other product and brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X platform is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries