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About Cohda Wireless

Leading the technology revolution in cooperative intelligent transport systems

Since 2004, Cohda Wireless has established itself as the leading supplier of innovative Connected Vehicle solutions that enable vehicles to connect with other vehicles and with Smart City & Mining infrastructure. These connections, collectively called V2X, span Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), and Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P). They allow vehicles to ‘talk’ to each other, to Smart Cities, and to vulnerable road users in order to avoid accidents, reduce congestion and increase efficiency.

In 2023, Cohda Wireless became part of the Danlaw Group, where together, we aim to accelerate advanced connected vehicle safety, smart city solutions, and safety on the mine site.

Our innovative software enables accurate vehicle positioning, and cooperative collision avoidance and congestion reduction. Cohda Wireless technology allows vehicles to see around corners, know where they are without GPS, and interact with traffic infrastructure seamlessly in real time.

Cohda is headquartered in Australia and has offices in Europe, China and the USA.

Cohda partners with Tier 1 Automotive Suppliers, ITS Equipment Vendors, and Mining Equipment Technology and Services (METS) vendors to provide complete hardware/software solutions to Car Makers, Smart Cities, and Mine Operators, respectively.


Cohda’s V2X solutions solve problems that can’t be solved by in-car technology alone — connectivity is the key.

Cars can “see” around corners and through rain, snow and fog by sharing data with other vehicles and roadside infrastructure, without arrays of expensive sensors. Vehicles and traffic signals can communicate to reduce wasteful congestion.

Unique to Cohda Wireless is our V2X-Locate solution as the only positioning system able to meet the location accuracy requirements in all environments.   It can achieve sub-metre positioning accuracy, 95% of the time – even in urban canyons or multi-level car parks where GPS doesn’t work – from open road freeways to suburban corridors, tree- lined streets, and on the streets of cities and towns where there are buildings, tunnels and underground car parks.

Cohda Wireless is a world leader in this emerging field, setting the benchmark for tomorrow’s transportation with proven applications, supporting both DSRC and C-V2X. We’ve been involved in vehicle trials since 2006, and now 60 % of global V2X trials use Cohda Wireless technology.

Cohda isn’t a think tank or research institute, we’re an established business with a global presence, strategic engagement and a strong position, even before the V2X market really takes off. Our patent portfolio includes more than 70 patents granted, with that many again in process. We are the only supplier of V2X with solutions already in production vehicles, tough underground mining environments, major commuting projects, pioneering truck platooning initiatives and smart city programs to combat congestion.